Manage service categories
Organize your services into categories to make it easier for clients to browse and book.
Offer services and enhance sales with ease. Use simple tools to set up and manage your services, create attractive memberships, and offer gift cards to boost revenue. Learn how to streamline your catalog to provide clients with easy access to your offerings, for a seamless booking experience.
Organize your services into categories to make it easier for clients to browse and book.
Create and manage your treatment offerings by setting up your services.
Packages help simplify bookings for clients by combining multiple services into one.
Ensure your services are booked and delivered in the correct order with a service booking sequence.
Offer flexible pricing options for your services by creating and managing service variants.
Setting different prices and durations for team members or locations.
Manage and update your treatment offerings by editing your services to better align with your business needs.
Learn how to permanently delete services or archive them for a potential return.
Learn to update and reorder your packages - offering clients a convenient way to book and pay upfront for a series of treatments.
Learn how to permanently delete packages or archive them for a potential return.
Keep memberships relevant and attractive to clients by updating them to fit your business needs.
Easily keep track of your sold memberships and boost your revenue management.
Accurately manage your clients' active memberships by updating their status.
Keep your membership offerings current by deleting outdated or irrelevant memberships.
Increase revenue and attract new clients with gift cards for your products and services.
Easily manage gift cards with tools to edit settings, track sales, print cards and extend expiry dates.
Boost your revenue and attract new clients by offering gift cards both in-store and online.
Offer your clients the flexibility to share gift cards with friends and family.
Encourage repeat visits by making it easy for clients to redeem gift cards in-store.
Grow your revenue and attract new clients by understanding how they use gift cards.
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