Amorleen Beauty Parlour


Located at Valley Field Court near Rubis Petrol Station.Armoleen Beauty Parlor has been ranked the best in Valley Arcade, It provides you with a range of highly trendy haircuts and styling, make-up, hair coloring waxing services, massage, trendy hair braids, kids unique hairstyles and facial.. It has a team of highly skilled and experienced stylists, The Kids Play Ground allows them to meet new friends and have fun as they wait to be attended to. Our Amenities include parking, WIFI, playground, music and cartoons for kids.,

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  • Amorleen Beauty Parlour

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    • Inchis se deschide la 09:30

    • Valley Arcade Shopping Mall, Gitanga Road, Valleyfield Court , Maziwa, Nairobi, Nairobi County Navigheaza