Nailin’ it with Nae


Welcome! I ask would you please ready everything carefully. Please book ALL SERVICES you would like including soak off. There will be various of deals going out through the year…please be sure to fill your entire profile out upon booking! Deals will be sent to email, via text, and more! I hope you enjoy your experience with me. This is the Detroit location…I am also in Southfield. Feel free to TEXT if you would like to book for Southfield. 🛑NO SHOW FEE IS $20! $hersheykisses20, Apple Pay, or Zelle🛑 Card on file is also required for no show fee. My time is just as valuable as yours.❤️

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  • Nailin’ it with Nae

Agendar agora
    • Aberto fecha em breve, às 7:00 PM

    • The Experience Nail Bar, 19420 Van Dyke Avenue, Osborn, Detroit, Michigan Como chegar