
  • Abonnements

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  • Bons cadeaux

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À propos

The CALMM Lymph drain workshop, your natural body sculpt routine. During this workshop, our trainer will share lymph activation techniques to assist with draining blocked lymph nodes. Further to this, they will demonstrate a full body routine to drain and sculpt the body, explaining the function of the lymphatic system and how we can support it further. Don’t forget the stomach! An in-depth stomach routine completes our workshop, aiding in digestion, reducing gut inflammation and further sculpting the stomach area. Leave feeling less bloated, slimmer and more mobile.

Renseignements supplémentaires

  • Confirmation instantanée

  • Paiement via l'app

  • The CALMM Lymph Drain WORKSHOP

Réservez dès maintenant
  • Abonnements

    Achetez une série de séances.

  • Bons cadeaux

    Faites-vous plaisir ou gâtez vos proches en leur offrant des prestations.