HYPOXI Studio Hornsby


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À propos

Hypoxi is the brainchild of Dr Norbert Egger, an esteemed Austrian sport scientist. Over the course of many years working in the weight loss industry, he noticed that many women struggled to reduce fat in their problem areas of the stomach, hips and thighs despite regular exercise and a healthy diet. As a sport scientist, Egger knew that good circulation and exercise are critical to achieve weight loss in a specific area. With this knowledge in mind, he set about developing a revolutionary training device. HYPOXI is the first training concept to combine alternating high and low pressure with exercise to help target fat in those areas which just won’t budge. The simple 30 minute workout is safe, pain free and completely natural – helping your body to tap into stubborn fat stores while you work out. In just 12 sessions, clients can lose up to 30 centimetres in circumference from their problem areas – more than what you would typically achieve through conventional training. HYPOXI has modernised people’s approach to exercise and is now recognised as a credible weight loss solution for time poor men and women.

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  • HYPOXI Studio Hornsby

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