Coastal Contouring



Bree B.

16.02.2021, 11:21 AM

Obsessed with the service and treatments! Cant be more thankful being introduced to this for my heal...


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    Mach dir selbst oder jemand anderem mit tollen Verwöhnterminen eine Freude.


Coastal Contouring uses the latest ultrasound fat cavitation and RF skin tightening technology, combined with the latest techniques to deliver results you can see and feel. Some of the benefits are: reduces stubborn fat pockets and bulges, melts fat cells, instantly tighter, toned and smoother skin, more defined curves for a sexier silhouette, and stimulates collagen and smooths wrinkles.

Zusätzliche Informationen

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  • Coastal Contouring

Jetzt buchen
    • Geschlossen öffnet am Samstag um 8:00 AM

    • Shop 1/108 Pacific Hwy , Tuggerah , New South Wales Route

  • Geschenkgutscheine

    Mach dir selbst oder jemand anderem mit tollen Verwöhnterminen eine Freude.