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Greenutss Nutrition Consultancy Company Limited




Tobey C.

Jul 24, 2024, 8:17 AM

你要相信你既營養師!你要相信你既營養師!你要相信你既營養師! 日復日咁跟著餐單,放工拖著疲倦的身心去堅持運動。感恩Greenutss 陪我一齊行。想放棄的時候,刷下IG,見到連營養師都在努力,我又點...


wing han A.

Jul 17, 2024, 11:12 PM

Really thanks to Viko for the explanation of my in-body test. She helped me understand more about pr...


Sian C.

Jul 16, 2024, 8:44 PM

第一次見Viko好細心幫我分析inbody results 同埋解釋比我聽個report講d咩、究竟自己身體表現得好唔好etc. 之後都詳細同我講究竟飲食上有啲咩要注意!計完TDEE之後令我頓悟自己原...


tsz ki l.

Jul 16, 2024, 7:20 PM

好難揾到另一間有咁多咁好營養師既鋪,好多謝janice 兩個月後我會帶好成績見你😭

The avatar of Kenix C.

Kenix C.

Jul 11, 2024, 7:09 PM

It was a good consultation with providing different kinds of recommendations including workout and d...


Antonia C.

Jul 7, 2024, 10:32 PM

Valerie was super helpful :))))) and let me know that our body has a very sophisticated mechanism to...


最初成立 greenutss 的目的是希望大家可以除了對卡路里以外,對營養也有更多的了解。在從事營養行業的這段期間,我們都發現大部分的香港人對健康並不完全的了解,在一個營養泛濫的年代,但實際上卻有部分的人營養不均衡。所以成立greenutss就我們2位修讀營養的女孩的初心,為大眾提供更多的營養知識。 The original concept of “Greenutss” is to provide more knowledge about health and nutrition rather of calories of food. We provide consultation programmes to help our clients learn how to be good for their health and also use more friendly methods to achieve the goals of bodybuilding, keep-fit or loss weight. Join us Now!

Opening times

  • Monday

    • 10:00 - 21:00

  • Tuesday

    • 10:00 - 21:00

  • Wednesday

    • 10:00 - 21:00

  • Thursday

    • 10:00 - 21:00

  • Friday

    • 10:00 - 21:00

  • Saturday

    • 10:00 - 19:00

  • Sunday

    • 11:00 - 20:00

Additional information

  • Instant Confirmation

World Trust Tower, 信誠廣場, 50 士丹利街, Room C, 21/F, 中環, 香港島
World Trust Tower, 信誠廣場, 50 士丹利街, Room C, 21/F, 中環, 香港島

World Trust Tower, 信誠廣場, 50 士丹利街, Room C, 21/F, 中環, 香港島 Get directions

  • Greenutss Nutrition Consultancy Company Limited

Book now
    • Closed opens soon at 10:00

    • World Trust Tower, 信誠廣場, 50 士丹利街, Room C, 21/F, 中環, 香港島 Get directions

Greenutss Nutrition Consultancy Company Limited

19 services available

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