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Distance/Remote Space Clearing

Energetic clearing of a house/space/property by distance or remotely on a quantum levelntum lev

A $203.50


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Just like your physical and energetic body may get “dirty”, the same concept applies to your space where you live/work/etc. Have you ever walked into a place that has felt dead, uninviting, cold and even toxic or something just feels off? It’s probably like that because the space has not been energetically cleared. With a distance/remote space clearing, I tune into your space and energetically cleanse it and then anchor in the energy that you would like to have in that space. I work with the Spirit of the Land and my and your Spirit Guides to energetically cleanse the space across multiple timelines and dimensions. They will also energetically clear all objects in the property. Once finished, you will receive a report which contains a summary about what was done with the land and your home including energy readings before and after the clearings. Once purchased, this will be performed within 5 Business Days.

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