Distance/Remote Space Clearing

Energetic clearing of a house/space/workplace/apartment etc by distance or remotely

203,50 AUD



Just like your physical and energetic body may get “dirty”, the same concept applies to your space where you live/work/etc. Have you ever walked into a place that has felt dead, uninviting, cold and even toxic or something just feels off? It’s probably like that because the space has not been energetically cleared. With a distance/remote space clearing, I tune into your space and energetically cleanse it and then anchor in the energy that you would like to have in that space. I work with the Spirit of the Land and my and your Spirit Guides to energetically cleanse the space. Once finished, you will receive a report which contains a summary about what was done with the land and your home including energy readings before and after the clearings. Once purchased, this will be performed within 5 Business Days.

Muut tämän kategorian tuotteet

77 AUD

Additional person/pet for spiritual clearing as part of space clearing

This is to add on a spiritual clearing for an occupant in your household

202,50 AUD

Distance Healing

Distance/remote shamanic energy healing

68 AUD

Monthly Group Spiritual Clearing (one-off purchase)

80 AUD

Mother's Day Package - RECHARGE Remote Healing Session

Remote healing session as part of Soulibrium's Mother's Day Package

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